Kids say the darndest things … in church

closeHey, just so you know ... this post is now about 16 years and 1 month old. Please keep that in mind as it very well may contain broken links and/or outdated information.

So occasionally at my church, instead of the priest giving a homily, the local librarian has all the kids come down to the front and he tells a story based on the day’s gospel reading … a homily for kids. He also asks the kids questions and lets them answer into the microphone for the congregation to hear.

Today’s gospel reading was about Jesus appearing to the disciples in their locked room after the Resurrection and the story of how St. Thomas wouldn’t believe Jesus had risen until he saw Him with his own eyes (the origin of the phrase “Doubting Thomas“).

So Mr. Mike asks the kids: “which disciple was missing when Jesus first appeared?” Hands go up and he selects my daughter (who’s in the first grade) to answer, at which time she proudly says into the microphone: “Judas.”

As you can imagine, if you’re familiar with the story, this causes quite a chuckle in the congregation. Judas was the disciple who betrayed Jesus and then later regretted his actions and hanged himself. So obviously he wasn’t present in the locked room with the rest when Jesus appeared. Mr. Mike took this in stride and moved on with the rest of his presentation.

Near the end of his homily, my daughter raises her hand again and for whatever reason, Mr. Mike lets her speak into the microphone again. She asks: “So there were only ten disciples in the room?” More chuckles from the congregation.

It’s amazing how a new perspective (even if it’s from a 7 year-old) can change how people look at things.

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